Memorial day weekend is for grilling and sweating, or just sweating

After last week's post, I got some comments off the blog worried that we had been duped into buying a house with a terrible roof. Good news is that we KNEW we were buying a house with a terrible roof and did the thing anyways. There must be a way to phrase that which makes us seem smarter... But we knew about it from the very first time we saw it - right after the terrible wind storm that hit the DC region at the beginning of March and the lawn was covered with shingles that were blown off the roof as we first stepped out to walk up to it. That feels like forever ago! But yes, we knew it leaked and in some places probably leaked for a while based on stains of some of the ceilings, and we arranged financing for a new roof with the mortgage company ahead of time. And great news as we went into what was a drizzly weekend - we have a new roof! The contractor had his guys come out last week between Tuesday and Wednesday and it looks great, no more leaks, but it's nea...