Not your typical home theater installation

So this weekend didn't have a lot of big builds, but we made some very tangible progress in making the house really livable and we have even started moving more furniture and boxes in! With enough of the kitchen floor done and whatnot moved into place, for example, we were able to move in the laundry machines! And for freebies off of Craigslist, they worked very well after some troubleshooting. Morris did a final pour on Friday night for the island while he was there alone (I was out for a dance event and that meant fewer feet kicking up dust) and made more progress spraying the paint in the living room. Saturday morning as we were getting ready (I was packing up some boxes from the apartment and getting the dog ready to go) I got a text with a photo that demonstrated real, deep love. If you buy a house that has been sitting for a while, the toilets will require a lot of arduous cleaning. I would show a before picture, but don't need anyone losing their lu...